estabamos en la cas de torreon mi abuela, mi primo y yo, paso el tiempo y mi abuela y yo entramos en discusiones, llego mi tio carlos y me dijo que fueramos a platicar a fuera de la casa, una vez fuera cerro la puerta por la mitad para que no pudieran escuchar nuestra platica, me hablo del perdon y compasion hacia mi abuela pues tenia una edad avanzada, seguimos adelante y nos subimos a mi mototaxi roja, me pregunto por las finanzas de la moto y no supe que contestarle
This dream seems to reflect unresolved emotions and tensions within your family relationships, particularly with your grandmother. The discussion with your uncle outside the house represents a need for communication and understanding in trying to address these issues. The idea of forgiveness and compassion towards your grandmother, who is portrayed as being elderly, suggests a desire for empathy and reconciliation in the face of conflict or misunderstandings.
The motif of the red mototaxi could symbolize your personal drive or journey through life, with the uncertainty about the finances of the vehicle possibly representing concerns about stability or control in your waking life. Overall, this dream may be prompting you to reflect on the importance of addressing conflicts, showing empathy towards others, and finding a balance between past grievances and moving forward with understanding.